Understanding the Pipeline - an administrator guide


Administrators who are familiar with the terminology of the pipeline and templates can skip this section. If so, move on to Requirements for a LAVA device.

Device type templates

Device type templates exist on the master in the /etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/device-types/ directory.

Although the example templates include jinja markup, the template itself is YAML. The files use the .jinja2 filename extension to make it easier for editors to pick up the correct syntax highlighting, but whatever jinja does not recognize is passed through unchanged. The output of rendering the template must always be valid YAML.

If you are starting with just a single device of the relevant device type on a particular instance, you don’t need to include jinja markup in the device type template - it can stay as YAML. Once you have more than one device or you are considering contributing the template upstream, then you will need to support the jinja markup. Jinja is used to:

  • avoid code duplication - e.g. if a U-Boot command stanza is common to a number of device types (it does not have to be all devices capable of supporting U-Boot), then the common code needs to move into the base template and be inserted using jinja.
  • support multiple devices - e.g. if the configuration needs serial numbers (for adb) or references to unique IDs (like UUID of storage devices) or IP addresses (for primary ssh connections) then these can be set as defaults in the template but need a variable name which is then overridden by the device dictionary.
  • support job-level overrides - if a variable exists in the device type template and that variable is not set in the device dictionary, it becomes available for the job submission to set that variable.

Device dictionary

The device dictionary is a file. In the early stages, it can be very simple:

{% extends 'mytemplate.jinja2' %}

Comments may be used in device dictionary files, using the jinja syntax:

{# comment goes here #}

To remove a variable from a device dictionary, simply remove or comment out the variable in the file.

It is recommended to keep device dictionary files in version control of some kind to make it easier to track changes. The administrative interface tracks when and who changed the device dictionary but not the detail of what was changed within it.

See also

The Jinja template documentation gives more information on jinja syntax, although the examples are for HTML. Not all features of the jinja template API can be supported in a device dictionary or device type template. All of the logic within the template support, such as conditionals and the use of blocks, is only to be done in the device type template.

Checking your templates

Whenever you modify a device type template, take care to respect the indentation within the file. You can (temporarily) copy your template into lava_scheduler_app/tests/device-types and run the unit tests to verify that the template can be parsed and rendered as valid YAML:

$ python3 -m unittest -vcf lava_scheduler_app.tests.test_base_templates.TestBaseTemplates.test_all_templates

All contributions are required to pass this test (amongst others) and you will not be able to successfully run jobs through your instance if it fails.

Finally, although the final configuration sent to the dispatcher will be stripped of comments, it is strongly recommended to use comments liberally in all your YAML files, including device type templates.

Finding your way around the files

  • Start with a device-type YAML file from the dispatcher which is similar to the one you want to support. Modify the YAML and verify using the Online YAML parser to make sure you always have valid YAML. This is the basis of your device type template. Use comments liberally, this is YAML remember.
  • Compare that with the device-specific YAML which is what the dispatcher will actually see. Again, modify the YAML and verify using the Online YAML parser and make sure you always have valid YAML. This is what your device type template will need to produce.
  • Identify variables which are device-specific and add comments about what will need to be handled when the device type template is used.
  • Create a minimal device dictionary file which simply extends your initial device type template.

Information sources

The functional tests repository

This git repository holds working examples of a range of different jobs for a range of different devices. These jobs are routinely submitted as functional tests of upcoming releases of the LAVA software.


Not every combination of deployment method or boot method can be expressed for all supported devices but we aim to have at least one example of each deployment method and each boot method on at least one supported device.

Check the standard directory for tests which use gold standard images.

The lava-server unit test support

The Jinja2 device-type templates here are used for the unit tests and also become the default device type templates when the packages are built. The devices directory contains working device dictionary examples for these device types.


Extra device configuration

There are a variety of optional elements of device configuration which need to be considered at an administrator level.

Providing permanent IPv4 addresses

Not all devices of one device-type will necessarily need fixed IPv4 addresses to be configured in the device dictionary. Admins should consider the use of :term`device tags`.

Providing temporary filesystem storage

lava-target-storage - Where devices have alternative storage media fitted, the id of the block device can be exported. For example, this can help provide temporary storage on the device when the test shell is running a ramdisk or NFS. Some devices may provide a USB mass storage device which could also be exported in this way.

Test writers need to be able to rely on getting a known block device, without complications from enumeration at boot. If a second block device is desired, the method label could simply append a unique ID, SATA-1, SATA-2 etc.

Only a single block device is supported per method. The method itself is simply a label specified by the admin. Often it will relate to the interface used by the block device, e.g. SATA or USB but it could be any string. In the example below, UMS is the label used by the device (as an abbreviation for USB Mass Storage).


Do not specify the ID for a partition as this will change if a test changes the partition table. There must be no files on the exported block device which are necessary for the device to reboot and execute another test job successfully. Not all devices can support such temporary storage.

Extra dispatcher configuration

It is possible to supply dispatcher-specific configuration along with each test job, by adding a configuration file on the master at /etc/lava-server/dispatcher.d/<hostname>.yaml.

An example file exists in /usr/share/lava-dispatcher/dispatcher.yaml on each worker.

Current support includes:

  • Sets the dispatcher_ip, if the dispatcher has many IPs
# Only set this key, if this dispatcher has many IPs
#dispatcher_ip: <this-dispatcher-ip>
  • Sets the dispatcher_http_ip

# Only set this key, if this dispatcher is running separately from slave httpd # server or listening on a custom port. #dispatcher_http_ip: <dispatcher-http-ip>:<port>

  • Sets the dispatcher_nfs_ip

# Only set this key, if this dispatcher is running separately from nfs server # or listening on a custom port. #dispatcher_nfs_ip: <dispatcher-nfs-ip>:<port>

  • Sets the dispatcher_tftp_ip

# Only set this key, if this dispatcher is running separately from tftpd server # or listening on a custom port. #dispatcher_tftp_ip: <dispatcher-tftp-ip>:<port>

  • Sets the container creation path.
# Set this key, if you want to change the default lxc creation path
# No trailing /
# The default path is /var/lib/lxc
#lxc_path: <custom-path>
  • Add a prefix to tmp directories on a worker. This can be useful if a worker runs more than one lava-slave, e.g. using docker.
# Prefix for all temporary directories
# If this variable is set, the temporary files will be created in
# /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/<prefix><job_id> instead of
# /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/<job_id>
#prefix: <prefix>

Per dispatcher environment settings

Sometimes individual dispatchers can need different environment settings, for example when a remote dispatcher is added then any settings for HTTP_PROXY for other internal dispatchers cannot apply to the remote dispatcher.

To support this, LAVA will check for dispatcher-specific environment files. If the files exist, the content will be used instead of applying any environment files for the entire instance.

In a similar manner to Extra dispatcher configuration above, the configuration files are:

  • /etc/lava-server/dispatcher.d/<hostname>/env.yaml
  • /etc/lava-server/dispatcher.d/<hostname>/env.dut.yaml

If the dispatcher specific configuration files are not present, lava-master will fallback to the environment files for the entire instance:

  • /etc/lava-server/env.yaml
  • /etc/lava-server/env.dut.yaml


when using dispatcher specific environment, it can be useful (but not mandatory) to move the dispatcher configuration from /etc/lava-server/dispatcher.d/<hostname>.yaml to /etc/lava-server/dispatcher.d/<hostname>/dispatcher.yaml.

Requirements for a LAVA device

The new design makes less assumptions about the software support on the device - principally only a working bootloader is required. The detail of working includes but is not restricted to:

Hardware Requirements

  • Serial - the principle method for connecting to any device during an automated test is serial. If a specific baud rate or particular UART connections are required, these must be declared clearly.
  • Network - tests will need a method for delivering files to the device using the bootloader. Unless the bootloader has full support for wireless connections, physical ethernet is required.
  • Power - automation requires that the board can be reliably reset by removing and then reapplying power. The board must support this in an automatic manner, without needing human intervention to press a reset button or similar. If such a button is present, each device will need to be modified to remove that barrier.

Software Requirements

  • Interruptable - for example, uBoot must be configured to emit a recognizable message and wait for a sufficient number of seconds for a keyboard interrupt to get to a prompt.
  • Network aware - most common deployments will need to pull files over a network using TFTP.
  • Stable - the bootloader is the rescue system for the device and needs to be reliable - if the test causes a kernel panic or hardware lockup, resetting the board (by withdrawing and re-applying power) must always put the board back to the same bootloader operation as a standard power-on from cold. Note that USB serial connections can be a particular problem by allowing the device to continue to receive some power when the power supply itself is disconnected.
  • Configurable - the bootloader needs to be configured over the serial connection during a test. Such configuration support needs to be robust and not lock up the device in case of invalid user input.
  • Accessible - the bootloader will need to be updated by lab admins from time to time and this should be as trivial as possible, e.g. by simply copying a binary to a known location using an established protocol, not some board-specific routine requiring special software.
  • Flexible - the bootloader should support as wide a range of deployments as possible, without needing changes to the bootloader itself. e.g. only having support for uncompressed kernel images would be a problem.

With such a bootloader installed on the device, the test writer has a wide range of possible deployments and boot methods.

Adding support for a device of a known type


Not all devices supported by the old dispatcher are currently supported in the pipeline. The configuration for the old dispatcher is very different to pipeline support - the intrinsic data of load addresses and ports remains but the layout has changed.

A known device type for the pipeline means that a template file exists in /etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/device-types/.

This is a Jinja2 template which is turned into a complete YAML file when a job needs to run on the device using settings in the device dictionary. Initially, you can work with a static YAML file and deal with how to use the template and the dictionary later.

If this is the first device you are adding to this instance or the first device using a new remote worker, this will need to be configured first. The device type and a Device entry using that type will need to be created in the database. Once the device dictionary is working, the device can be marked as a pipeline device in the admin interface. See Creating a new device entry for a known device type.

Obtaining configuration of a known device

The simplest way to start is to download the working configuration of a device of the same known device type from a configured LAVA instance. Browse to the device and select “Device Dictionary”. There is a download link for the full rendered YAML or the original Jinja can be copied.

The original Jinja2 file will then need some tweaks for your local setup. e.g. values like these will differ for every local LAVA instance.

   connect: telnet playgroundmaster 7018
   hard_reset: /usr/bin/pduclient --daemon services --hostname pdu09 --command reboot --port 04
   power_off: /usr/bin/pduclient --daemon services --hostname pdu09 --command off --port 04
   power_on: /usr/bin/pduclient --daemon services --hostname pdu09 --command on --port 04

See also

Power Commands

Alternatively, the fully rendered YAML file, can be used to test jobs on that device but only from the command line on the worker:

$ sudo lava-run --device ./bbb01.yaml bbb-ramdisk.yaml --output-dir=/tmp/test/

A sample testjob definition can be downloaded from the same instance as you obtained the device configuration.

Creating a new device entry for a known device type

If this device does not already exist in the database of the instance, it will need to be created by the admins using the Django administration interface

If there are no devices of this device type in the instance, check that the device type exists and create it if not. Don’t worry about a health check at this stage.

Create the device using the device type then set the worker hostname for this device and save the changes.

Creating a device dictionary for the device

See also

Updating a device dictionary to add a device dictionary to a new device.

Based upon an existing device

Download the device dictionary of an existing device in the original jinja2 syntax, ready for modification. Compare with the existing device dictionary for the device and modify the dictionary (Jinja2 child template format) to set the values required:

{% extends 'beaglebone-black.jinja2' %}
{% set power_off_command = '/usr/bin/pduclient --daemon services --hostname pdu09 --command off --port 04' %}
{% set hard_reset_command = '/usr/bin/pduclient --daemon services --hostname pdu09 --command reboot --port 04' %}
{% set connection_list = [‘uart0’] %}
{% set connection_commands = {‘uart0’: ‘telnet playgroundmaster 7018’} %}
{% set connection_tags = {‘uart0’: [‘primary’, 'telnet']} %}
{% set power_on_command = '/usr/bin/pduclient --daemon services --hostname pdu09 --command on --port 04' %}


LAVA does not preserve history of a device dictionary, it is recommended that the files used to create the dictionaries are kept under version control.

Viewing current device dictionary content

View the device in the UI and click the link to the device dictionary. The dictionary is displayed as Jinja2 by default. Click on “Rendered YAML” to see the full device configuration as it would be sent to the worker.

Updating a device dictionary

The populated dictionary now needs to be updated on the filesystem of the instance.

All operations to update a device dictionary need to be done by a superuser. The specified device must already exist in the database and be assigned to an active worker to run test jobs -

Using the command line

Most commonly, a device dictionary is updated by placing a new file onto the master, typically using configuration management tools like salt, puppet or ansible.

The device dictionary exists as a jinja2 file in /etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/devices and can be updated by admins with the necessary access.

Using lavacli

$ lavacli -i <identity> devices dict get <hostname>

Other options when using get include:

  • field to only show the given sub-fields
  • --context CONTEXT to pass a job context for template rendering
  • --render to render the dictionary into a configuration (YAML).

Make changes within the Jinja2 child template syntax and then lavacli can be used to update a new device dictionary (replacing the previous device dictionary).

The filename and extension of the <device_dict_file> are completely arbitrary but you may find that your preferred editor has highlighting support for jinja2:

$ lavacli -i <identity> devices dict set <hostname> <device_dict_file>


Superusers can use import_device_dictionary to update a Jinja2 string for a specified Device hostname:

# Python3
import xmlrpc.client
username = "USERNAME"
token = "TOKEN_STRING"
hostname = "HOSTNAME"
protocol = "PROTOCOL"  # http or preferably https
server = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("%s://%s:%s@%s/RPC2" % (protocol, username, token, hostname))
server.scheduler.import_device_dictionary(device_hostname, jinja_string)

If the dictionary did not exist for this hostname, it will be created. The XML-RPC call will return:

Adding new device dictionary for black01

The dictionary is then updated. If the file is valid, the XML-RPC call will return:

Device dictionary updated for black01

Superusers can also export the existing jinja2 device information using export_device_dictionary for a known device hostname. This output can then be edited and used to update the device dictionary information.